王惠,二级教授,工学博士,博士生导师,国家级光电技术与纳米功能材料国际联合研究中心副主任,陕西省石墨烯联合实验室副主任,西北大学光电功能材料方向学术带头人,西安光能发电学会常务理事。近五年来主要从事物理无机与石墨烯功能材料的教学与科研工作,主持国家级、省部级及其重大等项目20余项。成果分别获得陕西省科学技术三等奖2项、陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖、二等奖各1项;此外,2008获中国科学院第五届“柳大纲优秀青年科技奖”、2009获“陕西省优秀留学回国人员称号”, 2011年获“陕西高校巾帼建功标兵”称号,2014年荣获西安“最美女科技工作者”称号等;指导博、硕士研究生80多名。获得国家发明专利15项,在国内外发表研究SCI、EI收录论文120余篇。译著、编著3部。
演讲题目:1.Core shell MoS2/C nanospheres encapsulated in foam-like porous carbon sheets for high performance sodium ion batteries 2.太阳能光伏电池石墨烯掺杂正面电极银粉银浆料的制备
Core shell MoS2/C nanospheres encapsulated in foam-like porous carbon sheets for high performance sodium ion batteries(主题会场:类石墨烯二维材料的基础研究)
Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have attracted great interest as a promising substitute for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) owing to the earth-abundant and cheap sodium resource.[1] Unfortunately, current SIBs usually exhibit slower reaction kinetics, low specific capacity and poor cycle life due to the larger ionic radius of Na+ than that of Li+.[2] Hence, many efforts have been made to explore novel electrode materials with higher discharge/charge capacities. Among various candidates, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been regarded as a promising sodium storage material due to its sandwich-like layered structure and high theoretic capacity (670 mAh g-1).[3] Nevertheless, the relatively low electronic conductivity and serious inherent volume change of MoS2 during sodiation/desodiation lead to low specific capacity and poor cycling stability, which restrict its potential practical application. [4] To solve these challenging problems, we demonstrate a simple glucose carbonization process for preparing foam-like porous carbon sheets-encapsulated MoS2/C nanospheres (MoS2/C⊂pCS) composite. The synergistic effects between the carbon coated MoS2 nanospheres and supporting porous carbon sheets, can not only facilitate the diffusion of Na+ and electrolyte into the electrodes, but also minimize the influence of pulverization and aggregation of MoS2 nanospheres upon prolonged discharge/charge cycling. As expected, the MoS2/C⊂pCS composite shows high reversible capacity and fast rate capability, as well as long cycle life as an anode material. Such excellent performance demonstrates of the MoS2/C⊂pCS composite make it a promising anode material for advanced SIBs.
银电子浆料由于电阻率低、价格低廉而广泛应用于太阳能正银浆料中[1-2],太阳能正银浆料由银粉、玻璃粉、有机相三部分组成,其中银粉含量超过80%,对太阳能正面浆料导电性具有重要影响。太阳能正银浆料中,银粉的形状、分散性、粒径大小及分布、振实密度等都会对太阳能电池的电学性能有显著影响[3]。石墨烯优异的导热性能和减摩抗磨性能以及化学惰性,使其非常适合作为高性能、环保的润滑添加剂[4]。基于上述因素,本文通过化学还原法制备了不同粒径石墨烯掺杂高分散球形银粉,进行了石墨烯掺杂银粉银浆料对太阳能转化效率的研究。结果表明石墨烯掺杂极大的提高了银粉的分散性,石墨烯掺杂银浆料具有合适的粘度(270–370 pas)、高触变指数(6.50)、高的高宽比,并且晶硅太阳能电池的光电转化效率达到了18.68%。