演讲题目:Preparation of conductive and water soluble networks by grafting polymer onto graphene oxide
N-ethyl acrylamide was grafted ontographene oxide (GO) using chain transfer agent-modified sheets.
GO, prepared with modifiedHummers’ methods, was first reacted with sodium azide to modify the sheets withazide functionality. The acetylene moiety was introduced to the RAFT agentusing propargyl alcohol. rGO-RAFT was obtained after these two materials wereclicked together. To obtain water soluble network, poly (N-ethylacrylamide) (PNEAM) was prepared using RAFT polymerization.Fouriertransform-infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction,and scanning electron microscopy results all demonstrated that rGO-RAFT and PNEAMwere successfully produced on the surfaces of rGO-sheets.