演讲题目:In pursuit of all-graphene THz RF systems: the convergence of nanoelectronic RF GFET transceivers and miniaturised graphennas
In pursuit of all-graphene THz RF systems: the convergence of nanoelectronic RF GFET transceivers and miniaturised graphennas(主题会场:石墨烯薄膜大面积、连续化制备技术)
Using graphene as the material to conceive, design and implement a new generation of transistors with extreme high frequency capabilities reaching the THz band is crystallizing in a notable degree of maturity. Out of that, the scientific community is envisioning circuits encompassing multiple devices in a graphene-based integrated circuit implementing more sophisticated functionalities towards wireless communications applications. Such functional RF graphene circuits require concurrently addressing the circuit-aware GFET device model extraction, as well as exploring alternative primitive circuits for both baseband and RF functions which recognize and exploit the uniqueness of GFET characteristics beyond its high-speed capabilities. On the other hand, owing to the ability of graphene to support plasmon polariton waves in the THz frequency range, it enables the miniaturization and electrical tunability of antennas to allow wireless communications among nanosystems. This tutorial will address the topic of GFET-based RF circuits aiming THz band operation, specifically for communications applications, first providing a survey and categorized state of the art, in turn particularly emphasizing tight joint characterization, modelling and circuit co-design, both for the device-circuit interface, as well as for the RF transceiver and graphene antenna interface, in pursuit of enabling new applications such as Graphene Wireless Networks on chip which leverage the uniqueness of the THz band at the ultra small scale.